It was about a year ago when we abandoned our kitchen. Once again, because that’s what we always do when life gets busy and stressful. We go back to our old habits and just bury ourselves into work forgetting about everything else. Everything else becomes secondary, work comes first.
For us cooking goes first – we opt for eating out (or just simply not eating). Exercise goes second – there is just no time we tell ourselves. And after that we lose our sleep, our overall health and wellbeing suffers and we’d be lucky if someone still thought there was some action going on between our ears (I think they call it the brain). Well, in all honestly they wouldn’t know as we abandoned our social lives too.
And the results are clear. Physically it shows in weight gain, skin break outs and grey hair. Mentally in poor mood, feeling constantly irritated, tired and stressed – just to name a few.
I don’t know if anyone else can relate to this? But for us, finding a balance is hard and maintaining it, even harder.
The main reason why I started the Antidote Kitchen was to find balance. That’s where the name came from as well. Finding an antidote to the hectic lifestyle and everyday stress. I guess, in some ways you could say it’s surprising that I out of all the people found myself in the Kitchen but at the same time it’s actually not that surprising.
The Kitchen is literally one of the only places where I’ve never felt stressed. Not even when hosting dinner parties really… but okay, maybe a little when creative the cookbook. But in general, the Kitchen for me is a stress-free zone. A place to creating new recipes, test new ingredients and enjoy new flavours. Sometimes the food turns out amazing, sometimes not, and that’s okay. For me that’s the best way of cooking, not to perform a task, but to have fun, keep an open mind and create something potentially delicious. It’s actually one of the few places where I don’t judge myself. I can let go and just have fun.
I’ve missed the kitchen. Mentally, but physically as well. I know I need to slow down, take better care of myself, spend time outdoors, sleep and chill. I also know I need freshly-made food, real food, and that’s going to be my focus in October. Freshly-made, home-cooked meals and good times!
Let’s see if this results in some new recipes to be shared as well but I’m not going to stress about it so that remains to be seen.
Have a lovely October all.
Much love, Katja